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About Us – Our Mission

With TALENT CONNECT, you not only have a partner for top-notch recruitment consulting and agency but also a partner in shaping a sustainable future.

Talent Connect’s mission statements:

  • Creating opportunities for solution-oriented integration of diverse individuals – we are problem solvers.
  • We search, find, and connect employees and clients – we are bridge builders.
  • Appreciative and communicative skill conveyance – we are potential creators.
  • Improving employment numbers for a positive labor market – we are recruiters.

About Us – The Team

Find professionals, unleash potentials, promote competencies.

In a world increasingly shaped by global challenges such as climate change, we at Talent Connect recognize the need to link talent management and sustainability. Our HR consultancy is committed not only to finding specialists but also to unlocking the full potential of each individual to ensure long-term competitiveness.

The European Green Deal is a vision for a more sustainable future in Europe, and Talent Connect is proud to contribute its part. Our mission is to connect businesses and organizations with the qualified employees they need to succeed in an increasingly green and sustainable economy and to progressively break down social barriers.

We understand that the shortage of specialists is one of the biggest challenges for companies today. Therefore, we leverage our cross-industry expertise and our network to identify the best talents and place them in positions where they are not only successful and efficient. For us, saving resources goes beyond just the environmental aspect!

Reach out to our team now and learn more about how we can assist your business in achieving successful growth.

  • „Ich hatte das Vergnügen, mit einem äußerst kompetenten und professionellen Personalberater zusammenzuarbeiten. Von Anfang an hat er sich intensiv mit meinen beruflichen Zielen und Qualifikationen auseinandergesetzt und mir maßgeschneiderte Karriereoptionen präsentiert. Seine Expertise und sein Netzwerk haben mir geholfen, mich in der Arbeitswelt besser zu positionieren und neue berufliche Möglichkeiten zu erkunden. Er war immer erreichbar, um meine Fragen zu beantworten und mich bei jedem Schritt des Bewerbungsprozesses zu unterstützen. Dank seiner Hilfe habe ich nicht nur einen neuen Job gefunden, sondern auch meine beruflichen Ziele übertroffen.“

    - Beruf: Area Sales Manager BE
  • „Durch die Vermittlung über TALENT CONNECT konnte ich meine beruflichen Ziele erreichen und meine Karriere vorantreiben.
    Durch die umfangreiche Branchenkenntnis des Beraters und sein breites Netzwerk konnte er mir mehrere vielversprechende Jobangebote präsentieren. Er hat mich dabei stets über den aktuellen Stand informiert und mich bei der Entscheidungsfindung unterstützt.
    Besonders beeindruckt hat mich seine Fähigkeit, meine Stärken und Potenziale hervorzuheben und diese erfolgreich bei den potenziellen Arbeitgebern zu präsentieren.
    Dank seiner Vermittlung konnte ich mich bei einem renommierten Unternehmen beweisen und wurde schließlich in eine höhere Position befördert. Ich bin Herrn Steinemann sehr dankbar für seine professionelle Unterstützung und seine Bemühungen, meine beruflichen Ziele zu verwirklichen. Seine Expertise und sein Engagement haben maßgeblich zu meinem beruflichen Erfolg beigetragen.“

    - Beruf: Vertriebsleiter DE
    • “I had the pleasure of working with an extremely competent and professional staff consultant. From the very beginning, he delved deeply into my professional goals and qualifications, presenting me with custom career options. His expertise and network have helped me to better position myself in the working environment and explore new professional opportunities. He was always available to answer my questions and support me at every step of the application process. Thanks to his help, I not only found a new job but also surpassed my professional goals.”

      - job: area sales manager BE
    • “Through the placement by TALENT CONNECT, I was able to achieve my professional goals and advance my career.

      Thanks to the consultant's extensive industry knowledge and his broad network, he was able to present me with several promising job offers. He consistently kept me informed of the current status and supported me in making decisions.

      I was particularly impressed by his ability to highlight my strengths and potentials and successfully present them to potential employers.

      Thanks to his arrangement, I was able to prove myself at a well-known company and was eventually promoted to a higher position. I am deeply grateful to Mr. Steinemann for his professional support and his efforts to realize my professional goals. His expertise and commitment have significantly contributed to my professional success.”

      - job: sales manager DE